Rabisarani Rabisarani

Before After

Rabindranath's essay Rammohan Roy

18th January, 1885
At a meeting assembled in the hall of City College, Mirzapur St. Calcutta (now Kolkata), Rabindranath reads his essay Rammohan Roy - his first considerable discourse on the subject.
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All Brahmo groups at Maghotsav

21st January, 1885
All the three Brahmo groups (Samaj) assemble for prayers at Maghotsav.
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Rabindranath composes 32 Brahmo songs

After his appointment as Secretary of Adi Brahmo Samaj, Rabindranath composes 32 Brahmo songs in four months.
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April, 1885
From April 1885, Balak edited by Gyanadanandini Devi is published. Rabindranath is a major contributor, fills its pages with varied literary outpourings.
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Publish in Balak

April, 1885
In the course of a year (1885-86) Rabindranath publishes in this monthly magazine poems, letters, articles, charades, Mukut (a novelette) and Rajarshi (a substantial novel).
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April, 1885
Rabindranath publishes the prose Pushpanjali (dedicated to his departed Bouthakurani (sister-in-law) Kadambari Devi) in the Bharati magazine.
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Rabindranath's tour of Hazaribagh

Rabindranath tours Hazaribagh accompanied by Indira Devi and Surendranath.
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Rabindranath in Solapur

September, 1885
Rabindranath goes to Solapur in the Bombay province (now Maharastra), spends a month and a half with Satyendranath and returns to Calcutta (now Kolkata) on 16th October.
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