As part of the Maghotsav programme, the Brahmo members of the Congress are felicitated by the Tagores at a gathering in the hall of the City College. Rabindranath is there too and again sings Amra milechhi aaj maer dakey.
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Maghotsav in Jorasanko mansion
23rd January, 1887
Adi Brahmo Samaj obtains Maharshi Debendranath's permission and holds Maghotsav at the Jorasanko mansion. From then on the festival would be held there every year.
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Brahmo songs
23rd January, 1887
Rabindranath writes 26 songs for Maghotsav festival; 12 sung in the morning session, 14 in the evening:
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Maharshi visited by disciples in Chunchura
29th January, 1887
More than 1000 Brahmo disciples from Calcutta (now Kolkata) come by steamer to Chunchura to pay their respects to Maharshi Debendranath. Rabindranath is in Chunchura too.
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Rabindranath's First award
4th February, 1887
At Maharshi Debendranath's Chunchura residence where he's now living, Rabindranath sings the song, Nayana tomare pai na dekhite, to his father and is awarded a cheque of five hundred rupees – a princely sum in those days – by Debendranath. The first literary award of his career comes his way.
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Rajarshi published
February, 1887
Rabindranath publishes his third novel – Rajarshi.
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Maharshi is ill
March, 1887
Maharshi falls seriously ill at Chunchura, Rajnarayana Basu comes over from Deoghar to see him. He rallies somewhat and is taken back to Calcutta (now Kolkata) by a steamer sent by Maharaj Jatindramohan Tagore for the purpose.
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May, 1887
Rabindranath's monthly allowance is increased, which relieves him of nagging financial worries. Rabindranath writes the poems (later collected and published in the Manashi anthology) with renewed zest.
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Sunday Prayer
May, 1887
Special prayer service is held in the morning of the first Sunday of every Bengali month. As secretary of the Adi Brahmo Samaj, Rabindranath presides over these services.
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Rabindranath turns 27
7th May, 1887
This is the first time Rabindranath's birthday is celebrated in a big way in the family. Sarala Devi organises the celebrations.
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Tragedy at sea
29th May, 1887
Two steamers, the Retriever and Sir John Lawrence sink in the Bay of Bengal. Moved by the disaster, Rabindranath writes the poem Sindhu Taranga.
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Madhurilata's Annaprasana
27th July, 1887
Rabindranath and Mrinalini Devi's daughter Madhurilata's (Bela)Annaprasana is celebrated at a sumptuous ceremony.
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Rabindranath's essay Hindu Bibaha
4th September, 1887
Rabindranath reads his esaay, Hindu Bibaha, at a meeting presided over by Dr. Mahendralal Sarkar and held at the Science Association Hall.
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Literary battle with Chandranath Basu
September, 1887
Rabindranath engages in a literary battle with Chandranath Basu over the subject of child marriage.
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Mayar Khela
September, 1887
On behalf of the Sakhi Samiti, Sarala Ray, Principal of Bethune College, requests Rabindranath to write a play (Mayar Khela) consisting only of female characters.
While staying in Darjeeling, Rabindranath starts writing Mayar Khela and composes songs for it.
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Sarala Devi learns Mayar Khela songs
September, 1887
Rabindranath teaches niece Sarala how to sing the songs of Mayar Khela.
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Writes Poems for Manashi
October, 1887
Writes some of the poems later to be collected in his anthology Manashi.
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Chandranath Basu
20th November, 1887
Chandranath Basu reads the essay Hindu Bibaha before an audience at the Oriental Seminary in an effort to rebut Rabindranath's views on the subject.
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